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Review the RACE Standards, fees, and policies

RACE® Fees, Standards, and Policies

A program provides an educational event where participants receive a CE certificate upon completion, whether live or on-demand. The committee calculates RACE program application fees based on the total hours of programming you submit for review. For programs offering multiple sessions, such as a conference, fees are based on the total hours available, not the hours attended by an individual participant.

Programs are approved for two years from the approval date and may be repeated during the approval period with notice to AAVSB.

Variations in program content and/or number of CE hours are not the same program and must be submitted as new Program Application(s).

RACE Program: Administrative Fees
Standard Program application fee$185 USD$175 USD
Late fee*$375 USD$375 USD

*Program late fees will apply to any application submitted 45 calendar days or less prior to the start of the program.

**During your course application, on the subject area tab, this date will be reflected as the projected offering date.

RACE Program: Hourly Segment Fees
1-24 Hours$20 USD per CE segment submitted
25 to 49 hours$500 USD
50 to 99 hours$750 USD
100 to 249 hours$1,250 USD
250 hours or more$2,750 USD
  • Ensure you have your program description ready (this should encompass what your program is about, have keywords for search functionality).
  • Complete the RACE Course Attachment, which you will upload in the RACE Application.
  • Payment for the application must be submitted online at the time of application
  • It is the RACE Providers responsibility to ensure their program complies with RACE standards.